Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Vocations with Br. Michael Perry, OFM

In discernment you'll need to arrange opportunities to spend time with us.  You can join us for evening prayer or our community Mass.  You can eat and laugh with us at dinner.  You can spend a weekend with us.  You can visit our ministry sites with other friars.  You can spend time recreating with us.  We like to have fun!  It will be in the context of sharing your life with the friars that you'll be able to discern your desire to live in fraternity as a Franciscan friar.  For additional resources, on discerning if you are called to live in fraternity, read our blog post:  The Lord Gave Me Brothers.

Enjoy this wonderful video with our Minister General, Br. Michael Perry, OFM regarding vocations to religious life.

Br. Michael Perry, OFM, our Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor, discusses the importance and effectiveness of personal invitation and organically developed discernment communities to help foster vocations to the religious life.

Peace and All Good,
Bro. Scott Slattum, OFM

Franciscan Friars
Office of Vocations
1500 34th Ave.
Oakland, CA 94601
Phone:  (408) 903-3422
Facebook:  www.facebooks.com/SBFranciscans.Vocations
Twitter:  www.twitter.com/OFMvocation
\Website:  www.sbfranciscans.org