Hundred of migrants have died every year as they try to cross the desert into the United States. One estimate put the total number to more than 10,000 deaths since 1994. Aside from the political and legal debate about immigration, the fact is that these are human lives! Every human life is valuable, each one of them is created by God and loved by God.

Back in the Arizona desert, as we were waiting for the sheriff deputies to arrive, we sat around this human skull that we just found, and started to open our backpacks to find whatever little food we had for lunch. We shared trail mixes, crackers, cheese, and hummus with each other. We shared stories about our lives. At first it felt like a disrespect to this sacred ground where the only appropriate mood seemed to only be a somber one. But then as I thought more about it, isn't this what the Christian paschal mystery is all about? We mourn the passion and death of Jesus, but we also then celebrate his resurrection, his victory over death, by breaking bread and sharing meal with each other. And just like that night on All Souls Day at the Mission San Luis Rey cemetery, we celebrated the life of this person who had died alone in the middle of the desert. Probably for the first time ever since his death, a group of people actually gathered around to remember him and celebrate his life.
Sam Nasada, OFM received his Master of Divinity degree from the Franciscan School of Theology in Oceanside, CA this past summer. He is currently part of a new initiative of the Province of St. Barbara: a small intentional community near the Arizona-Mexico border that is focused on contemplation and helping those in the margins. He hopes that this experience will help in his formation to become a priest who will not be afraid to, borrowing a term from Pope Francis, "smell like his sheep".
Franciscan Friars
Office of Vocations
1500 34th Ave.
Oakland, CA 94601
Phone: (408) 903-3422